Eastern Massage


Eastern Massage Therapies

Eastern massage therapies encompass a variety of techniques originating from Asian cultures, particularly from China, Japan, Thailand, and India. These therapies are rooted in traditional medicine and often involve principles of energy flow, balance, and holistic healing.

Mollie MelhuishMolly Melhuish, Eastern Massage Therapist

Molly specialises in Eastern massage therapies including Thai Yoga Massage, Thai Herbal Compress Massage, Thai Foot Massage, Indian Head Massage, Ayurvedic Massage, Balinese Bamboo Massage, Chinese Cupping Therapy and Kinesiotaping. Molly is a strong believer in internal energy systems and the link between mind and body behaviours. Molly also teaches yin yoga, meditation, sound meditation and dance meditation.

Our Centre

Columbines, Hurstpierpoint

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30 Minute Massage


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30 minute

Thai Foot Massage

Feet are washed and then massaged using oil, hands, a massage stick and a towel. Assisted mobility and stretching. Acupressure and effleurage focus on energy points and lines. Lower legs may also be included. Leave feeling light and springy, and fresh as a daisy. especially suitable for runners, walkers, diabetics and those with arthritis or plantar fasciatis.

Balinese Bamboo Massage

For back and legs. Warm bamboo massages oil into the skin, pressing and rolling. Great for release in the upper legs and stimulating the lower legs. Pressure stays strong on the back and gets close to the spine.

Chinese Cupping Therapy

For back, neck and shoulders. First oil is massaged into the body. Then silicone cups are placed on the upper back, neck and shoulders.
Sometimes they are left there to draw out negative toxins. Some are dragged across the skin , bringing blood to the surface, warming an area for deeper massage. This is negative pressure; drawing up rather than pressing down. Cups may also be used directly on the spine itself. We finish with a relaxing massage. Most effective.

60 Minute Massage


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60 minute

Thai Yoga Massage

Fully clothed, the client lies on a futon. Using a combination of acupressure and assisted stretching, this massage focuses on releasing negative energy and stimulating positive energy within the body. Sometimes hands are used, sometimes forearms, occasionally an elbow, a knee and even feet. This is a deep massage with a strong re-set effect on the client.

 Ayurvedic Massage

For back and legs. Warm bamboo massages oil into the skin, pressing and rolling. Great for release in the upper legs and stimulating the lower legs. Pressure stays strong on the back and gets close to the spine.

One Hour Signature Series


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The Chakra Balancing Massage

Using ayurvedic sweeping strokes and acupressure to address any energy imbalance.

The Holiday

Using oils, and smells and teas to nourish. A full body massage to allow you to just BE.

The Healing Massage

60 minutes of massage, sound bathing and meditation.

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